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 Review test number 1

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Review test number 1   Review test number 1 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Déc - 17:30

The bakers have got a beautiful house in village near London. It has got a dining-room,a bed-room , a bathroom, a kitchen and a yard. It's has also got a big garage for the car.
In the Bakers' living -room, there is a tv set. a dining table and some sofas. There are some of their children's photos on the walls.
The bakers have got a dog , a cat and a horse. Have you got a horse , too?

1.Answer the following questions.
1.Have the Bakers got a house or an apartment?
2.Is it a large or a small one?
3.Is there a home cinema in the Bakers' apartment?
2 .True or false?
1.The Bakers have got a dining-room.
2.they have got two cars.
3.They haven't got any children.
3.These words are underlined in the text.What do they refer to?
1.It (line1) . 2.You (line6).
1.Find the questions word. that?
B:That's mr .Bakers. his occupation?
B:He's a businessman.

A:......................Children has he got?
B:He has got two.
2.Put in the right article: a. an or x (zero article).
Mrs Bakers is........housewife but her husband is
Peter and Beth, their......children are students at ...... university in London.
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Nombre de messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2007

Review test number 1 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Review test number 1   Review test number 1 Icon_minitimeMer 26 Déc - 6:28

Thank you.
We await the answer.

Twisted Evil signed by DallY Twisted Evil
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